KLIM was started in 2015 with a $521 investment. We’ve had no outside investment and can freely decide our priorities.
Only the customers will decide if we succeed or fail. This is why customers are so important to us.
We use every day the products we make and are passionate about them. You will feel this. We avoid excessive marketing to give the best prices possible to our customers. We seek to have the most direct relations with our customers.
We want to provide quality, durable electronics at a fair price, with exceptional customer after care.
In electronics a 0% defect rate will never be possible. But we strive for that goal. In our small circle of impact we want to ensure employees, customers and partners are treated well.
We are a young company, with a lot to learn. We will make mistakes but we will always make sure to own up to them and improve. And when we fail (because we failed, and will fail), we take responsibility, assist the customer and compensate him/her fairly.
We invite you to read our Playbook, so that you can see our company philosophy.