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Long term Angular JS Developer for Wellness Challenges [CLOSED]

Full Time Negotiable

HTML5 SASS Javascript basics (u... Javascript Advanced... Angular 1.x Ruby-on-Rails NodeJS

Read entire posting.  Respond according to the instructions.

Individuals only.  

Do not contact outside Jobrack.

We've been building Ruby on Rails applications for over 10 years.  For several years, they were full-stack Rails applications.  Now we use Ruby on Rails on the back-end to serve AngularJS, iOS, and Android applications on the front-end.

Required Experience/Skills: AngularJS (1.2), JavaScript, CSS and/or SASS, Node, HTML5, Git
Bonus Experience/Skills: Ruby on Rails, Redis, Grunt, Mobile Responsive

We always know what we want to accomplish.  Usually the work is something we've done in the past and need to incorporate it into a new application.  Occasionally we do things we've never done before.  We're looking for a senior-level developer who is willing to take direction on us to apply the things we've learned and who is capable of running with new challenges we've never faced before.

Please answer these questions when you submit your cover letter and resume.

1)  Describe the difference between ng-show and ng-if and the effect it has on $scope.

2)  Describe the different types of scope allowed when creating a directive. (Angular 1.2)

We will evaluate your responses and if we're impressed, we'll offer a skills test for which we'll pay up to 8 hours for you to complete. 

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