Health Enhancement Systems, Inc

Midland United States

About Company

Employee Wellness Challenges: You Can Keep Participants Coming Back for More

How many ways can you motivate someone to exercise and eat more vegetables? Quite a few, it turns out. In fact, at Health Enhancement Systems we’ve been creating knock-your-socks-off worksite wellness challenges for more than 20 years — centered on 3 simple ideas:

Challenging wellness goals.

We set a high bar and give participants the chance to experience progress toward the wellness challenge goal. Changing habits established over years or decades is hard, so there needs to be a sense of accomplishment along the way to reinforce continued effort. It’s the reason we go to exceptional lengths to create engagement and progress tools like trails, stamps, tote boards, travel themes, game shows, etc.

Fun themes.

Every wellness challenge we create has an interesting theme and compelling visuals — usually with the opportunity to learn something beyond the health issue (such as fascinating national/international sites). We put more energy into this aspect of our campaigns than anyone... and it shows — we get thousands of compliments from excited participants each year.

Social connections.

We built teams, buddies, and social gaming tools into our wellness challenges long before it was fashionable. Although we’re clear that health is a personal responsibility, there’s no question that you’re more likely to be successful if those around you are supportive.
