HTML5 CSS3 Javascript Advanced... PHP Wordpress
Come and code for a FUN, FRIENDLY...and perhaps QUIRKY Wisconsin based business that has been growing for the past 13 years. No coding skills required! Oh well, maybe just a bit! We build and host local government websites all across the United States. We're one of the top five municipal companies in this industry. Because of our growth, we're looking to have you join us as a Full Stack Web Developer.
As a Full Stack Web Developer, you would typically be working in a small development team, making jokes and memes, and doing some coding in PHP and/or NodeJS. It would be 50% your choice “how to do” and responsibility! Although this will begin as a remote job, until COVID is downsized, it involves face to face meetings with CTO, devs, and support staff using Zoom a couple of times a week.
With exception to your “mad skillz” of making memes, we do actually require that you have a quite good technical background and knowledge of any PHP framework, created themes and plugins for WordPress. Now, if you are researching into switching to JavaScript, either back or front end, e.g. NodeJS or ReactJS this would be a huge bonus for this position.
Superb HTML and CSS knowledge.
Superb PHP dev skills.
Awesome knowledge of the WordPress ecosystem.
Excellent JavaScript knowledge and experience, preferably NodeJS.
Good knowledge of the English language, written and spoken.
You must be located physically in Nis, Serbia.
If you have superb dev skills with JavaScript, created your own CMSes with it, then you should definitely apply, even if your PHP skills are lower!
Since you won’t work directly with clients, your work-life in Town Web won’t include phone calls and Zooms with anybody else than CTO and your colleague devs. Well maybe HR and President for some informal chit-chat, but we do not have a formal corporate structure, so these meetings would be short and informative. BUT, we are looking for someone who is easy to work with, has no problems with dealing with deadlines, and would like to bring an extra mile to the team or projects by being proactive, and likes to take responsibility.
This is a full-time job and it will be for 40 hours per week. It will start as a remote position but will require to be an office job once it is safe to move in. You would be employed with a Work Contract, all benefits paid. We may offer some extra perks, such as private healthcare. The company is based out of Madison, Wisconsin but we are looking for a developer based in Nis, Serbia.
Our customers are small towns, cities, and villages in the United States. We have over 13 years of experience in building out websites for local governments, and have over 600 municipal web design customers, adding many new customers each month. We are chosen as their website provider because of our proven track record of delivering easy-to-use websites at an affordable price.
We offer a fun working atmosphere and a wonderful corporate culture that is centered around helping each other out and solving technical problems for non-technical customers.
As far as the methodologies we have been using and are using, we really dislike the waterfall method, prefer Scrum, but are checking out and working in some really cool and new methodology called “Shape Up” made by the guys at Basecamp.
Here are some things you would be responsible for (guidance and training provided, of course):
Creating a back-end, as well as front-end code for websites and web applications.
Analyzing, troubleshooting, and resolving problems with customer websites and internal web apps.
Being involved in Project Cycles of development of the new and existing company products.
Creating a well-factored and optimized code put to our Git, versioned, and documented.
Making daily suggestions on making better digital products, both that are developed as internal, as well as customer-facing ones.
Being a proactive player, meaning that you would not always get a full list of instructions for certain tasks or even projects, and you would need to find the best practice to handle those.
It is not a requirement, but proficiency and experience in any Agile methodology is a plus.
Here are a couple of goals or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that you would be evaluated on:
How timely are new products launched?
Problems solved last month.
Bugs per feature ratio.
Here are some traits we would like to have for our new Full Stack Developer:
You are proactive, not reactive.
You appreciate receiving clear instructions for tasks but you have a great deal of autonomy.
You enjoy fitting in and working with the awesome corporate culture that our company has.
You are a tech nerd/geek. You know how to code, but in the sense that you know how to use StackOverflow when needed!
You have previously had experience working as a back-end or a front-end developer.
Here are some additional considerations for the day to day job duties and what you can expect:
You'll start at 40 hours per week.
You can expect great communication from CTO and other devs, clear instructions, feedback, and help when needed.
You'll be paid monthly with pension and health insurance benefits covered.
You'll have a lot of flexibility with your working hours but would prefer to have most of the work done during normal business hours in Serbia (9AM to 5PM).
We are committed to building a long-term relationship with you. Many people working for us have been working with us for many many years.
Javite nam se i pridružite timu ZABAVNE, PRIJATELJSKE, ali verovatno i nesvakidašnje kompanije iz Viskonsina, koja se širi poslednjih 13 godina. Programerske veštine nisu potrebne! Hm, možda samo malo!
Town Web pravi i hostuje web sajtove lokalnih opština širom Amerike. Takođe smo jedna od top 5 kompanija u branši opštinskog web dizajna i developmenta. Zbog konstantnog širenja potreban nam je neko kao ti u timu na poziciji Full Stack developera.
Full Stack web developer, radi u malom dev timu, zbija šale i pravi mimove, ali i malo programira u PHP-u i/ili u NodeJS-u. Sada, to je 50% na tebi, tj da kažeš “ovako ćemo!”, ali takođe je i tvoja odgovornost.
Iako bi ovaj posao počeo kao remote, dok se COVID situacija ne stiša, uključivaće sastanke sa CTO-om, devovima i support stafom na Zoomu nekoliko puta nedeljno. Ako ne pričamo na Zoomu, uglavnom uvek imaš nekog na Slacku.
Sa izuzetkom tvojih “med skilova” da napraviš odličan mim, zapravo nam treba neko ko ima odličnu tehničku pozadinu, kao i znanje bilo kog PHP frameworka, da znaš kako se kreiraju teme i plaginovi za Wordpress npr. E sad, ako istražuješ putanju kako da se prebaciš na JavaScript ili si već ekspert u tome, bilo bek ili front end, NodeJS ili ReactJS, ovo bi bio veliki bonus tvojoj prijavi za ovu poziciju.
“Must Haves” lista
Doduše, ako si već Paladin lvl70 u JavaScriptu, praviš svoje CMS bekendove ili kidaš na frontendu, onda ti definitivno preporučujemo da se prijaviš, bez obzira na tvoje znanje PHP-a!
S obzirom da nećeš direktno raditi sa klijentima, tvoj radni dan kod nas će uključivati telefonske i Zoom pozive sa CTO-om i kolegama devovima. Zapravo možda poneki neformalni razgovor ili chat sa HR-om ili predsednikom kompanije, ali kako mi nemamo formalnu korporativnu, zategnutu i rigidnu strukturu, ovi sastanci će biti kratki i informativni. Možda padne i neka partija Among Us ili kantera!
ALI, mi tražimo i nekog sa kim je lako raditi, ko nema problema u hendlovanju rokova, i želi da se dokaže timu svojom proaktivnošću, kao i običajem da se odgovornost preuzima, a ne delegira.
Ova pozicija je za puno radno vreme što je otprilike 40 sati nedeljno. Počelo bi kao remote, ali će se preći u kancelariju čim se stvore uslovi za to. Zaposlenje bi išlo uz Ugovor o radu, sa svim plaćenim dažbinama. Možemo ponuditi i neke dodatne benefite, na primer privatno zdravstveno osiguranje.
Zaposlen/a bi bila u niškom “dev shop” startupu koji je je ogranak Town Web-a i baziran je u Nišu, pa zato tražimo zainteresovane Nišlije i Nišlijke. Dobro je spomenuti da je glavna kompanija (Town Web), za koje biste radili sve poslovne operacije, iz Madisona, Wisconsin, USA.
Naši klijenti su male opštine, gradovi i sela u Americi. Poslujemo više od 13 godina i imamo iskustva u celom procesu pravljenja website-ova za male opštine i trenutno imamo oko 600 opštinskih klijenata. Naši klijenti su izabrali baš nas zato što smo čuveni po izradi sajtova koji su izuzetno laki za korišćenje, uz veoma razumne cene.
Kao startup u Nišu nudimo zabavnu i neverovatno drugačiju korporativnu kulturu, u čijem centru si ti ali i sve ostale kolege, kojima ćeš pomoći i od kojih ćeš uvek moći dobiti pomoć.
Što se tiče metodologija rada u kojima radimo svakodnevno, moramo da naglasimo da baš ne volimo klasičan waterfall metod, preferiramo Agilne metodologije tipa Scrum, ali trenutno isprobavamo jednu mnogo kul metodologiju zvanu “Shape Up” koju su izmislili tvorci Ruby on Rails i Basecampa.
Pa da poređamo neke stvari za koje si nam potreban/na i šta bi bile tvoje odgovornosti (koučing i treninzi su uključeni, naravno):
Evo i nekoliko ciljeva ili KPIeva (Key Performance Indicators) po kojima bi bio/la evaluiran/a:
A evo i nekoliko osobina koje bismo želeli da naš novi Full Stack Developer ima:
Neka dodatna razmatranja za radnu poziciju, kao i šta možeš da očekuješ od nas:
HeyGov is a new government technology startup in Wisconsin, USA that has backing from America's top municipal web agency (Town Web). HeyGov is sha...
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