Libertas Bella

United States

About Company

Libertas Bella stands for beautiful liberty. We create unique, liberty-inspired clothing and accessories perfect for any person who cares about their First and Second Amendment rights. We don’t care if you’re an agorist, voluntarist, anarcho-capitalist,  neo-luddite (who is inexplicably on the internet), transhumanist, Jacobite, or whether you espouse some other political leaning that only a poli sci major would have heard of. At Libertas Bella, the simple assertion we uphold above all others is that liberty is both all-important and in jeopardy. The simple act of wearing an expressive t-shirt may soon be labeled a thoughtcrime.

We cater to fellow lovers of liberty, however, they wish to express theirs. Have you ever resented the implication that you’ve no right to your property? To your most cherished beliefs? To a weapon with which to defend yourself and your own? To your very life? Then consider Libertas Bella your “safe space” in an increasingly totalitarian world. 

Our gear isn’t exclusively about smashing state power. It is also about taking responsibility for yourself and your freedom in the here and now. On our site, you are free to browse and purchase our stylish, comfortable apparel and other accessories.
