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Full stack PHP / Laravel developer - Remote Position [CLOSED]

Project Basis Negotiable

HTML5 Javascript Advanced... PHP Laravel


This role is to work on TranslateCI, a US based translation platform for SaaS businesses. 

We’re working hard on our first release and we have a lot of exciting things ahead as we prepare to launch and scale. 

About the Role

Right now, I’m looking for a skilled full stack developer who can assist me in developing the initial product. You’ll be working directly with me, the founder of the company. This role is task/project based initially, but for the right person could grow to a more formal role. While this is a new project, as a developer founder, I have experience building and growing successful software companies. We pay fairly and reward great work and commitment. 

About you

I’m looking for someone with a high proficiency in English and strong knowledge of Laravel (we use the TALL stack) building SaaS applications. You need at least 5 years of PHP programming experience

This is a full stack position, so you could be comfortable writing PHP, javascript, HTML and CSS. You don’t need to be a design whiz, but you should be able to construct a basic page following design guidelines. 

I use a TDD approach, so experience with Laravel testing is needed. Working knowledge of writing secure code is also necessary. 

Strong written English skills are a must, as you’ll be helping to write documentation and assisting in providing support for highly technical customers. 

This is a remote position and you should have prior experience working remotely. 

Benefits / Details

  • Initially task based - we’ll agree to an hourly rate, you’ll estimate the effort to complete tasks and we’ll go from there. I expect ~20 hours per week worth of tasks to start. 
  • Work directly with the founder with opportunity to suggest your own ideas, make improvements and learn new skills.
  • I fully expect this role to grow into a committed set of hours and tasks each week with you being a valued and trusted member of the team.

Success Metrics

We’ll review your work regularly including both volume and quality to ensure expectations are being met. We’ll also do regular code reviews as you commit work. 

I want you to be awesome at what you do and successful in this role. I’ll be there to support you in this role, and we’ll be writing code side by side. 

I work hard and expect the same, but you’ll have a high degree of independence and flexibility so should be comfortable with that. I’m here to help you be productive and successful. 

A typical week

We’ll talk on Slack in the beginning of the week to review tickets in Trello and answer any questions. Each day, you’ll open Trello and check your tasks. If you have any questions, you can ask in Slack. After each task, you’ll do a git commit. At the end of the day, you’ll post a brief update in Slack. 

How to Apply

  1. Check you meet the requirements above. If you don’t meet the requirements 100%, but you’re close, please apply anyway. 
  2. Tell me your availability (hours per week) and when you’re available to start. 
  3. Tell me a little about your experience and how you’ve made a difference at a previous company. 
  4. Send me something you’ve worked on (Github repo link, personal site, Stack Overflow profile, etc). 
  5. Tell me how you would display the value of a variable called $foo in a Laravel Blade template. 
  6. Tell me your hourly rate. 

We need people who pay attention to the details, so please make sure you read this entire post and follow all the instructions when you apply. If you don’t, your application will be rejected instantly. 


TranslateCI is a US based software business that provides a translation platform for SaaS businesses.

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