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Executive Assistant for CEO [CLOSED]

Full Time or Part Time 1500.00 - 3000.00 USD Type: Monthly

Job Type: Full-Time or Part-Time

Timezone: You must be able to work majority of the Arizona time zone.

This is a fast paced environment and job has a 60 day trial period to make sure that this is a mutual fit. When you apply, please make sure you answer the question of “favorite food” with the answer of “I actually read these instructions”

About the Role

I’m looking for someone who can help me create more value, go faster, and live my best life. I am hoping to find someone who will want to be with me long term. You’ll be working on many projects within multiple companies along with personal life. You’ll be working very close to Travis (me) and my close network of people (executives, team members, family). You’ll be guided by some north star principles:

  1. Protect CEO’s Time: Filter all inbound requests to keep an eye out for those people/places/things that are important and help prioritize them.
  2. Prioritize Revenue-Generating Tasks: Order tasks based on what will generate the biggest outcome to support revenue. Profit solves most problems. Making or saving money is a priority.
  3. Maximize Calendar Efficiency: Be as efficient as possible. Be clear, and committed, and include context.
  4. Provide Clear and Timely Responses: Whether that’s a clear ‘yes’ with the appropriate calendar info for an upcoming meeting or a ‘not at this time’ reply, every email and correspondence should be answered clearly and kindly.
  5. Be Proactive and Prepared: Be preemptive. Come prepared and aware of all the moving pieces and how to address them ahead of time.

Capabilities You’ll Need:

  • Time Management: Protect the CEO’s time by filtering and prioritizing inbound requests and ensuring only high-priority tasks reach me. You must be able to move fast.
  • Financial Reporting: Manage personal finances, creating weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports.
  • Systems & Automation: You’ll need the ability to take complex items and build systems to streamline work along with leveraging automation for accountability and efficiency
  • Process Improvement: Streamline workflows by creating effective, clear, and documented processes.
  • Travel Planning: Find and book flights and hotels using creative solutions, including the strategic use of credit card points.
  • Data Management: Sift through data and content for repurposing in the CEO’s brand and company initiatives.
  • Business Structure Oversight: Ensure that all LLCs are structured for maximum profit and cash flow.
  • Calendar Management: Optimize the CEO’s schedule, focusing on time efficiency and value creation.
  • Hiring Assistance: Collaborate with the team to hire the right talent for various roles.

Areas of Responsibilities (not a full list):

These are some of the core activities/tasks to be performed daily, weekly, monthly, and/or quarterly that you will have on your plate. This is not an exhaustive list.

  • Building effective, to the point processes and preferences so that work is streamlined and how to work with and for me is documented.
  • Create efficiencies in the calendar and schedule to allow me to focus on value creation
  • Helping me hold executives to project timelines
  • Finding flights and hotels using creative and effective use of credit card points
  • Working with my team to hire the right people for different roles
  • Sifting through data and content to repurpose for my company and brand
  • Understand all LLCs and structures to make sure profit and cash flow is prioritized
  • Managing personal budget
  • Creating presentations for companies

You need to be lean towards more of an aggressive, action oriented, stickler. Attention to detail is KEY.

Apps you’ll need to know how to use and leverage in the first 30 days:

  • Slack
  • Asana
  • Gmail
  • Gsuite products
  • Hubspot
  • Zapier
  • Notion
  • Quickbooks


We pay you for the value you have and create at Rotate Digital.

Starting at $1,200- $3,000/mo or Hourly: $10/hr - $17/hr

*At Rotate Digital, job roles are earned through merit-based performance, creating a positive and rewarding work environment. Hard work and dedication are valued and rewarded. It is important to consider the risks and benefits when considering leaving your current situation for a position at Rotate Digital.

Rotate Digital

We have an SEO agency called Rotate Digital and we help moving companies get more clients online by ranking them on Google for profitable keywords....

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