Phone Support English - speaking English - writing
Read this very carefully before applying please. Your job is to check voice mail, answer our phones, and help our customers. You'll be calling people back who placed orders to verify details and make sure they are correct. You'll be offering cross sells and trying to get customers to keep some of their orders occasionally, but this is NOT a sales job. Our sales are done online.
You need to have perfect English very easy for a native American to understand. You must have a 100% reliable work ethic. You must be the kind of person who loves to help. You must be super organized.
I ask you to respond with "CSR" in the subject line. Also please provide 3 recent books you've read, and a sentence of two on each. And provide 3 accomplishments, professional or personal, you are most proud of. And provide 3 questions for me about the job. Also provide a resume and tell me in a few paragraphs why you would be ideal for this job. If you don't respond this way I am sorry that I won't be looking at you as a serious candidate.
This is work that is done on USA daytime and evening time. No weekends. There are maybe 40 calls or so a day. And calling maybe 10 people to start with every day, eventually more.
If you do well we hope you can be with us for many many years. We have many people who are with us for 10 or 15 years and we hope you are too. We give people continuous raises and lots of training. We start you at $1500 and we will give you continual raises without your having to ask (although you are welcome to ask.)
I'll be teaching your product line -- we have over 50 products. We sell only to MEN, and many products are of a sexual nature (around ED for instance) so you have to be cool with that. They are in the health areas primarily for better health and a better sex life.
You must be SUPER organized and keep detailed notes and always know where things are. You will be part of a team. There are 3 people in the department and a manager. You will be primarily reaching customers, and when something is to be done you can just leave notes and the other 3 will take care of what you need done. Good luck!
We are a publishing company and we sell nutritional supplements. In business since 1996. Many of our workers (contract people) have been with us fo...
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